How Are You Leaving Your Mark on This Messy World?

How Are You Leaving Your Mark on This Messy World?

Have you ever wondered how you can leave a lasting mark on this messy world? Each of us carries an innate desire to be remembered and to make a difference, no matter how small or grand. This fundamental drive to leave a legacy propels us to seek meaningful ways to express ourselves and touch the lives of those around us.

Creativity is a powerful tool in this quest for significance. It enables us to contribute something unique and personal, whether through art, music, writing, or even the way we tackle everyday challenges. Our creativity helps us forge connections and impact the world in ways that are deeply personal and resonant.

Yet, many of us have dormant creativity, stifled by early messages that we weren’t good enough or weren’t “real” artists. These messages can lead us to suppress our creative instincts, causing us to forget that creativity and being an artist are not necessarily the same thing. Creativity is a fundamental way of expressing ourselves and connecting with the world, and everyone possesses this potential.

Consider the transformative power of creativity, especially in unexpected contexts. Projects involving individuals with limited mental abilities, such as those with Alzheimer’s, highlight how creativity can unlock hidden potentials. Often, these individuals are perceived as incapable, but creativity reveals their true capabilities. For example, a recent project taught people with Alzheimer’s to do graffiti. Despite their struggles with memory recall, they learned a new skill and engaged in meaningful expression. This shows that creativity can thrive even in challenging circumstances.

As children, we are often given colouring books and instructed to stay within the lines, reinforcing the notion that conformity equates to success. However, true creativity is not about adhering to constraints—it’s about breaking free from them and letting our imaginations run wild. Creativity is messy, imperfect, and expressive; it’s not about pleasing others but about authentic self-expression.

In our current age, we are surrounded by new tools and technologies, including artificial intelligence, that can either enhance or inhibit our creativity. AI offers unprecedented opportunities for creative exploration and innovation. It can assist us in generating new ideas, automating repetitive tasks, and even expanding our artistic horizons. However, these tools also come with the risk of stifling creativity if we rely on them too heavily or use them to replicate rather than innovate. The impact of AI on creativity ultimately depends on how we choose to engage with it. We have the power to use these tools to amplify our creative potential or to let them limit our imaginative possibilities.

So, ask yourself: Are you staying within the lines? I hope not. Dare to draw outside the lines! Challenge conventional norms and redefine what creativity means to you. Embrace the messiness and freedom that comes with creativity, and use it to make your mark on the world.

Ultimately, how we connect with our creative essence and express ourselves defines the legacy we leave behind. By embracing our creative potential and navigating new tools with intention, we can leave a lasting imprint on this turbulent and ever-evolving world.

Is it time to reconnect with your creative self?


Pangambam, 2028. Sing Ju Post.

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