Meditation vs. Activation: Embracing Your Unique Path to Presence

Meditation vs. Activation: Embracing Your Unique Path to Presence

Anna, not her real name, sat before me, frustration etched across her face. She had tried everything when it came to meditation, but still felt she couldn’t get it right. Over the past few months, she had made incredible progress through our work together, yet this particular aspect eluded her. “I just feel like when I meditate, I don’t feel as connected as when I actually get into life and follow my flow,” she confessed.

Meditation vs. Activation

I looked at her and said, “Well, maybe it’s not time to meditate right now. Maybe your meditation is actually to activate.” She met my gaze, her eyes brightening as a smile spread across her face. “I like that. I don’t meditate. I activate.” In that moment, she gave herself permission to be who she truly is.

As a firm believer in the power of meditation, I’ve seen its benefits in my own life and in the lives of my clients and students. However, I also recognise that meditation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It can take many forms, and it doesn’t always involve sitting on a cushion with candles and incense. For Anna, this was simply not the time for traditional meditation. She felt more alive, in flow, and blissfully present when she was fully engaged in life’s activities.

Meditation vs. Activation

There are moments in my life when I meditate deeply, feeling the need to explore my inner world in that particular way. And then there are moments when I activate, immersing myself in the flow of daily life. Both are valid, and both are forms of meditation. This is what I teach my clients: to find what makes them feel present, calm, and fulfilled, whether it looks like traditional meditation or something entirely different.

So, how do you choose to meditate? Is it by activating—by engaging fully in the flow of life—or by sitting down on a cushion with beautiful music? Whatever it is, as long as it makes you feel present and peaceful, it is the right practice for you. Embrace your unique path, and give yourself the freedom to explore what truly brings you into the moment.

PLUS – Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways we can work together:

  1. Sign up for one of our current courses at ASHC and get taught by my team of advisors and me. All our courses are internationally and nationally industry-approved and will equip you with all the tools to open up your own professional private practice.
  2. Apply for one of only three spots as my private client.

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