I’m scared to make the wrong decision. How do I know what the right next move is?

It’s perfectly normal to feel uncertain when facing decisions, but that doesn’t make it any less challenging. Life’s choices often resemble navigating through dense fog, with the path ahead obscured and uncertainty hanging heavy in the air. Here’s some advice for finding your way through this uncertainty.

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So, how do you know what the right next move is?

Well, the bad news is that you can never know with 100% certainty what the right next move is.

And the good news?

You don’t need to!

Here’s the thing: The point of making a choice is moving forward, not making the right one. Clients often come to me, expressing worries about how to handle certain situations and emphasising the significance of making the right decision, and I always tell them the same thing: Succeeding at anything or getting to the right place in life is not about making the one right move; it’s about making lots of decisions that ultimately create the reality that you want. So, worry less about making the right move, go with your gut, and do what feels right, then watch what happens. You can always decide to shift in another direction if needed.

We often put way too much emphasis on making the right move or finding the one thing that will make us successful. For example, people focus on writing one great book, recording one great album, or finding one amazing job. But when we put so much emphasis on the one thing, we become too attached to it, ultimately leading us to failure or dissatisfaction once we reach that destination.

Instead of focusing on one book, album, or job, think about creating several or having a longer-term vision of what you want to achieve. Teach your brain that it’s not about reaching a destination that will change your life forever; it’s about moving towards your goals and direction and accomplishing things along the way. Sometimes, we put so much emphasis on that one thing that reaching the destination feels anticlimactic. The truth is, the journey towards something gives us the greatest satisfaction, and the changes and positive experiences happen along the way. It’s not about the destination; it’s about who you become along the way.

Ultimately, it’s not the one decision that changes your life. What changes is that when you make a decision and move in a particular direction, you open up the possibility of creating what Frans Johansson calls “click moments”—serendipitous moments that you can’t plan for but ultimately change the trajectory of your life. When you make decisions and move forward, you’re open to the possibility of creating these click moments, those moments that you can’t plan for.

Consider the story of Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, who turned a $5,000 investment into a billion-dollar empire. Blakely’s journey was paved with countless setbacks and failures, but each misstep was a steppingstone towards her ultimate success. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the willingness to embrace uncertainty.

Moreover, success isn’t always about finding the one perfect path; it’s about exploring multiple avenues and embracing the unexpected twists and turns along the way. Take, for example, J.K. Rowling, whose journey to literary success was fraught with rejection and setbacks. Had she succumbed to the fear of making the wrong decision, we may never have been introduced to the magical world of Harry Potter.

In his book “Click Moments,” Frans Johansson explores the concept of serendipitous moments that have the power to alter the course of our lives. These “click moments” are not mere coincidences but opportunities waiting to be seized. Consider the chance encounter between Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, which led to the creation of Apple Inc. It was a serendipitous moment that changed the trajectory of their lives and technological history.

But here’s the real kicker: serendipity isn’t just a stroke of luck reserved for a select few; it’s a mindset, a way of approaching life with openness and curiosity. Dr Christian Busch’s research on serendipity and innovation emphasises the role of actively cultivating conditions for serendipitous encounters. By embracing new experiences, forging connections, and stepping outside our comfort zones, we create fertile ground for serendipity to flourish.

Don’t let the fear of making the wrong decision paralyse you. Instead, lean into the uncertainty, trust your instincts, and take that leap of faith, for it’s in the act of moving forward, of daring to venture into the unknown, that we invite the magic of serendipity into our lives.

Making decisions in the face of uncertainty is not about finding the one right move; it’s about embracing the journey, celebrating the detours, and trusting that every step forward, no matter how uncertain, brings us closer to where we’re meant to be.


Busch, C. (2020). The serendipity mindset: The art and science of creating good luck. Penguin.

Johansson, F. (2012). The Click Moment: Seizing opportunity in an predictable world. Portfolio.

PLUS – Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways we can work together:

  1. Sign up for one of our current courses at ASHC and get taught by my team of advisors and me. All our courses are internationally and nationally industry-approved and will equip you with all the tools to open up your own professional private practice.
  2. Apply for one of only three spots as my private client. Mentorship for Holistic Mental Health Practitioners (1), Mentorship for High Performers (2).

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