The Endless Path of Acceptance
Acceptance of what is and who we are isn’t a destination. It’s a place to grow from.
Today and every day, I am learning to accept myself on both sides of the coin. It’s easy to love the parts you like about yourself; it’s harder to love the features you don’t.
Life moves in cycles. There are things I have been working on most of my life, and I have come to realise I probably always will. Insecurities, doubts and worry are part of human existence. Truthfully, they are part of who I am. But they are far from all that I am.
You can be brave and still be scared.
You can be strong and still be vulnerable.
You can love achieving and still long to be lazy.
You can be focused & passionate in life and still disconnect & detach.
Life is the dance between two opposites. Where our character and beliefs can melt away, and we can lean into our non-emotional selves.
I hope you can find space in your heart to love those scratchy parts of yourself. We all carry them.
Loving you,
Whenever your’re ready, there are 2 ways we can work together:
- Sign up for one of our current courses at ASHC and get taught by me and my team of advisors. All our courses are internationally and nationally industry approved and will equip you with all the tools to open up your own professional private practice.
- Apply for 1 of only 3 spots as my private client.
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