Lost Motivation

I’ve Lost My Motivation, What Should I Do?

So, you’ve lost your motivation, huh? Even though we’ve all been there, that’s a tough spot to be in. Let’s break it down:

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When it comes to losing motivation or passion for something, it usually falls into one of these categories:

One: You’re scared.

Two: You feel overwhelmed or lack clarity on where to start.

Three: Someone else should be doing it for you.

Four: You shouldn’t be doing it at all.

First things first, if you’re feeling demotivated, it could be because of fear. Yeah, fear can really mess with our heads sometimes—whether it’s fear of what might happen if we succeed or fear of failing miserably. Our minds can run wild with all sorts of scenarios, leaving us feeling stuck. But you know what? Research actually shows that making progress towards our goals can often bring more satisfaction than actually reaching them (Amabile & Kramer, 2011). Crazy, right? It’s all about enjoying the ride, even when things get tough.

Here’s something interesting I came across recently: the journey towards our goals often brings more satisfaction than actually reaching them. There’s this theory called “goal progress theory,” and it suggests that making progress towards meaningful goals can significantly boost our inner work life, leading to increased motivation and overall well-being (Amabile & Kramer, 2011). So, even if it feels like you’re not getting anywhere, every step forward counts!

So, let’s talk about feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to start. It’s completely normal to feel this way, especially when you’re facing a big task or goal. Sometimes, the sheer magnitude of what we want to accomplish can leave us feeling stuck or paralysed. It’s like staring at a mountain and not knowing how to begin climbing it.

But here’s the thing: every journey, no matter how daunting, starts with a single step. Instead of focusing on the enormity of the task ahead, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Create a plan or to-do list, outlining each step you need to take. By tackling one small task at a time, you’ll gradually build momentum and confidence.

It’s also okay to ask for help or seek guidance when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Reach out to a friend, mentor, or colleague who can offer support or advice. Sometimes, just talking through your concerns can provide clarity and direction.

And if you have something you really want to do but don’t know where to start, that’s where a good mentor comes in. A mentor can provide guidance, share their experiences, and help you navigate the path ahead.

Now, onto the idea that someone else should be doing this for you. You see, life can get pretty hectic sometimes, with countless tasks piling up and responsibilities pulling us in different directions. It’s like trying to juggle a dozen balls at once—you’re bound to drop a few eventually. And that’s okay! Recognising when you need help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of wisdom.

We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be superheroes, tackling every challenge and conquering every obstacle single-handedly. But the truth is, we’re only human, and we have limits. There’s only so much one person can handle before it becomes overwhelming. That’s where delegation comes in.

Delegating tasks to others isn’t about shirking responsibility or admitting defeat; it’s about being strategic and efficient with your resources. By entrusting certain tasks to capable individuals, you free up valuable time and energy to focus on what truly matters to you. It’s all about playing to your strengths and maximising your productivity.

So, don’t be afraid to pass the baton to someone else when you need to. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a smart move that allows you to thrive amidst life’s chaos. After all, teamwork makes the dream work, right?

And finally, maybe this thing you’re trying to motivate yourself for just isn’t right for you, at least not right now. It’s important to recognise when something isn’t clicking and give yourself permission to say no. Life is full of opportunities, but not all of them are meant for us at every moment. Sometimes, what we think we should be doing doesn’t align with our true passions or values, and that’s perfectly okay. Trusting your intuition and knowing when to let go of something that isn’t serving you is a powerful skill.

If you find yourself constantly saying no or putting things off, it might be worth digging a little deeper. Are you afraid of failing? Or maybe you’re scared of what might happen if you actually succeed. Sometimes, our fears can hold us back from pursuing our dreams or taking necessary risks. But here’s the thing: fear is just a feeling, and it doesn’t have to dictate our actions. Once you shine a light on those fears, you can start to tackle them head-on and get back on track. Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the willingness to act in spite of it. So instead of trying to get rid of it, embrace your fears, acknowledge them a part of your human existence, and then take a tiny step forward. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you choose to not let fear hold you back.

🌿I Frid, Madelaine 


– Amabile, T. M., & Kramer, S. J. (2011). The progress principle: Using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work. Harvard Business Press.
– Litvin, R. (2022, July 22). There are only 3 reasons you procrastinate… [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://richlitvin.com/procrastination/

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